Perfect diameter for routing a channel for 1/2" plywood as regular plywood is 31/64" thick. Lots of dense hard cherries work through, I would recommend.
It was close enough for my needs. I could probably use the 15/64 bit version but figured it would be a lot harder to find. I used it to make a dado out of 1x2 cherry oak planks for a demo of a model I made. I used it in a Bosch Palm router. No evil pixies were unleashed during use.
I have just reviewed the Kempston set I purchased after purchasing and using this accessory. I am pleased with the performance and a close inspection of the bit's manufacture reveals the quality of the material and construction. I used the bit primarily on my Rotozip so recoil was a big issue. I had nothing to worry about, the racquet's cut left no trace of catch, recoil or chatter. After use, the edge stays as sharp as when you unpacked it. Only a few chips of paint indicated that the racquet…