Description of ποΈ Golf Swing Aids: Lock-in Golf Grip V3.0 - Training Aid for Improved Golf Grip, Wrist Hinge, and Swing Technique
-Forces you to grip the club like a professional. How important is it to grip the club correctly you ask? Well, ask any professional golfer and they will tell you it is the most important aspect of the golf swing. Unlike other ball hitting sports like baseball or tennis, the golf grip must be correct in order for the club head to naturally rotate while making contact with the ball. -Teaches you the proper wrist hinge. The wrist should hinge as natural as possible. Therefore, no forcing of wrist rotation should ever be used in a golf swing. Our six-step program explains and walks you through drills that will create muscle memory to allow the wrist to hinge naturally. 'Feel the force don't force the feel'. -Indirectly forces correct body movements throughout the swing. Incorrect body movements are created from the results of an inconsistent grip and/or wrist hinge. Once you have corrected your grip and wrist hinge, your body will make adjustments in order to square up the face. You will naturally start rotating your hips correctly on the downswing in order to hit it straight. -Creates clubhead awareness. By attaching the golf club consistently to your hand for every swing, the brain will start to treat the golf club as an extension of your arm. Just think about it, if you attached your arm slightly different to your body every time you needed to pick up something, your brain would get confused. This is similar to gripping the golf club slightly different every time you swing.