- Very pretty ears! Listen, I looked at various options for a long time, but when I saw them live, it was love at first sight))) But they were bought not because of beauty, but primarily for conversation! - As for talking about them, great! If there is no bacchanalia going on around you, then no one will think that you are talking through a headset). But when there is a lot of things and transport, then everything will not be too rosy here, but everyone has such a problem, even Apple AirPods Pro. - In terms of sound, I’ll say this - it’s crap, you won’t hear anything beyond unrealistic in them, but it’s also stupid to expect something “Wow” from wireless ears in principle. That's why it's normal. I have only a discreet "Wow" from the appearance, really, they are cool))) - Work stably and without failures! - Both headphones are active - this is very important ! Not everyone knows that some ears can only work through one main one. here you can use each separately. - Noise canceling works well! I bought ears for 7500r - this cost can be considered for them, I would not give more than 9000.
- - All additional features are revealed at the ears only when used with OnePlus phones, with the iPhone nothing but "plug and play". But, probably, this is not so important, the main thing here is high-quality and good work. - It may seem to some that they are quiet, I sometimes wanted to make it louder, but that's okay, I'm used to it. (this is a purely personal opinion, but I'm apparently not the only one here, so I put it in shortcomings)