Description of π οΈ Enhance your Woodworking with Sommerfelds Piece Shaker Raised 2 Inch Shaper Bit
All bits are height matched for fast, no-hassle set-ups. Stile and rail cutters have a 7/16" engagement. The panel cutter is preset to make a 7/32" groove in the stiles and rails. Machines material from 3/4" to 7/8" thick.
I bought this bit set with Easyset to build a birch wood cabinet for my wife. The good thing about bits is that they line up without having to change the height of the router when changing the top and pattern. I would give 5 stars but bits always leave a bit of fluff that takes a few passes with a razor to remove. I've tried changing the bit height but it's not right for fluff. Maybe the bits aren't quite sharp.
I bought this raised bezel door router set for the first time to make kitchen cabinets. I ended up using a flat panel so I didn't use the raised panel part until I built a small entertainment center. The raised plate portion had some trouble getting through the oak. He wanted to catch and was quite scared even when I went with the green. I ended up making six doors with raised panels, and it looks like the raised panel door part is going to lose its edge pretty quickly. The other two parts forβ¦
I bought these to make doors for a custom cabinet job I recently finished. Having never made cabinet doors with raised panels, I was very nervous about the size of the panel cutter, but it worked great. Clean smooth cuts and very fast working on the project. What attracted me to Sommerfeld cutters long before I actually bought them were the height-adjusted sets. In no more than 30 minutes I finished the handrails and floor elements for my 6 doors and fitted them perfectly. While I still give it