Triple trekking tent ECOS Breeze Review

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Description of Triple trekking tent ECOS Breeze
- The semi-automatic tent, in principle, is convenient and unfolds and embles quickly enough, it’s normal for small trips.
- Came with a small marriage, I did not have time to take a photo. The tent came in the evening before our trip to nature, so there was no time to check right away. The marriage was revealed already when the tent was set up in place, a small hole on top, as if worn, the size of a coin. We decided on the spot to seal the benefit was glue and patches for the mattress. The size of the tent is in fact a little smaller, instead of 210 mm, about 190 mm, because. I'm 187 tall lay back to back. And the three of us can accommodate only small people. My wife and I basically fit together. If a kopeck piece mattress fits, then it will up and burst the tent, this will lead to poor closing of the locks.
- Folding mechanism and quality materials.
- Good ventilation, does not get wet, design pleases, light and compact
- No