This bit is amazing! The picture speaks for itself - it cut through the tree like butter. This was the first time I've done this type of etching on wood and while it's not perfect, the cutter helped me carve my design beautifully. You won't regret getting this beat whether you're experienced or not!
I bought this bit to create templates for making signs. This is one hit of the flute, so go slow and take your time! The stencils I cut out are hardboard and are 1/8" thick. Don't forget to wipe them down with a brass washer after each use and they'll be like new! I've included some photos of the templates I made. Um to show what can be done with this bat I put it on graph paper so you can work out the size.
A very sharp carving burr that I use to mark the first cut along a pattern and line. When I first started woodworking I used a cheap router that worked fine and eventually switched to Freud until I started hearing Whiteside more often on some woodworking forums. Some of the pieces seemed a bit overpriced but as soon as I tried one of their pieces I was hooked. I use a Bosch Colt and full size plunge router, and Whiteside is my go-to for all my router bits. I still have bits from Freud andβ¦