Bread wallet is a very useful and reliable wallet, it is open sourced and a decentralized wallet. I love the outlook of the wallet, it has an appealing intuitive design that attracted me to it. It has the ability to store alot of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ethereum( even ethereum based tokens). Purchasing coins on this wallet is very easy, I was allowed to make purchases via credit card which is a very flexible form of payment. I downloaded Bread wallet from play store( I was using an android), I had to create my account. While doing this, I was presented with a 12 recovery seed phrase this is to reduce cyber threat to the minimal point. With all this, I can assure you of Bread wallet's security. It was launched in 2015, trusted because it has some years of experience. It is widely accepted in almost all nations globally apart from Iran, Iraq, Pakistan etc. It is a noncustodial wallet that gives you total control over your funds. It supports the USD and EUR. Great news for me when i discovered that it doesn't require KYC process, hence I am kept anonymous as a user. The native coin BRD is a coin that is compatible with the bread wallet to aid trading. Bread wallet apart from being a store for crypto-asset can also serve as an exchange platform. I really enjoyed bread wallet. I had an encounter with the online support team when i faced a problem of transactions, the online group was very responsive and supportive and readily accessed. In times of major forks, Bread wallet doesn't allow anything happen to users tokens, this is one of its major secret features