This wallet allows you to make transactions on limited cryptocurrencies. At the time of writing this review it is only 5 cryptocurrencies the wallet supports. If you are thinking of buying, trading or storing Litecoin, Zcash, Ripple, Ethereum, and Bitcoin, you can choose this wallet. The wallet can be described as Hot, Warm, and Cold wallet. The wallet has good reputation regarding sending, receiving and trading Bitcoin evening for the new users. The wallet is from Australia, while others users from part of the world can use it. It has high level of security, no history of hackers on the wallet since 2013 that it was established. You will pay 1% fee when you want to withdraw from the wallet through Australia bank but 0% via debit and credit card. You are not going to be changed if you make deposit to the wallet. The Australians have added advantage because it is only them can make use Fiat currencies to make deposit into the wallet. The customer service is effective.