fingo is cryptocurrency exchange platform that is an NGO project and an expert on global development. It was the first biometric identify authentication solution to users. It uses a developed technology system to connect user's in he blockchain system. The platform support Manny cryptocurrency to be traded on it without any form of delay or bringing any of error in the process of transaction. Transactions are fast and very reliable. Fingo, lacks Manny traders in it's platform that is why is is currently a big decisions for users to make when trying to trade on this platform. The rate of popularity is low and makes it a second choice for cryptocurrency users. Manny challenges are actually arising on the platform but that doesn't show that it is unsafe for users. It is something to think about before going into the system for trading. The application is available on Google play store for download. You can go further to make more research on it, might be suitable for you and might not be, it is under probability. Further to might be giving if you read the white paper of this project. Can't say it is insecure, I prefer making good research before making my Review, I suggest you go deep into it before using