This hardware wallet will allow us to store cryptocurrencies safely, but not only that, we can also send and receive different cryptocurrencies. It is compatible with multiple currencies among which are twenty-six currencies and more than fifteen hundred tokens. Among them are the best known, which are obviously Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin. The team is constantly working to increase the amount of cryptocurrencies available. However, it is not a free wallet and it has a relatively expensive price, although you could get it cheap by other means, but it would not be recommended since it is possible that they have viruses. In addition, its use is a bit complex and tedious also when we want to send coins to someone because we must connect it to our desktop device and write the PIN number.
Overall, Ledger Nano S is one of the safest and most reliable wallets for users. It includes a PIN code and an additional layer of security, this means that it has a recovery phrase that will be of great help to our security. Also, due to how the device is composed, we should not worry about any physical damage that it may receive.