Monarch wallet is a multi-wallet that supports multiple currencies and tokens with a very simple interface but with many fundamental features, such as the ability to exchange your currencies directly on the exchange within the wallet, or even make payments and receipts online, essential for merchants , it also has a portfolio manager which helps the user to control his entire investment. Monarch is a very promising portfolio, its rates are very pleasant. To create the wallet that supports both android and ios, just a few minutes, I did the installation in less than three minutes, just download and follow the steps to create the wallet, it is essential to keep the words of seeds, this is an interesting point since within the wallet the app gives you the possibility to send your recovery words to an email, making it much easier for the user to save your words quickly and safely. I recommend it and as I will be using the wallet in the future I will be updating my feedback regarding it, for now a good option for free cryptocurrency wallet for mobile phone without a doubt.