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Review on Samourai Wallet by LUIS RIVERO R

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Wallet that meets what it promises.

It is a wallet focused on the use of bitcoin as the only available currency, offering security and several layers that guarantee the pivacity of transactions,
The features that I find most interesting in comparison to others are:
Applications without connection, adapts to the conditions of the network when making a request.
It has a private mode, eliminating any trace of the app on the cell phone by accessing only a secret code.
Avoid to the maximum that your transactions can be monitored, applying various technologies that mask transactions.
Although they only store bitcoin, it is an efficient and safe alternative when storing and making transactions, so you need to make payments, or transactions where your identity is not compromised. This wallet is perfect for that function since it has several encryption features. The recommendation is if you are going to have a considerable amount of assets the best thing is some cold wallet.
Easy to install, but focused on a specialized public or because of its geographical location there are limitations for the use of this crypto.

Updated 5 years ago
Rating has not been changed
The version of android is still in the process of development and has some synchronization flaws.
It is not available for download by direct search, it is hidden in the google store.
It is not possible to know the qualifications of the users, because the information is not public.
Last update of the wallet was launched on July 15, with corrections of some faults and making possible the pairing with its own dojo node, developed on Tor.
And what I like the most is to get help in the different communities that support this project.

  • Calculation of efficient fees.
  • All transfers are private
  • You can use commands by text messages to access your wallet or format in case of loss.
  • The user has full control of the keys and private key.
  • Encryption to the maximum military grade.
  • Easy-to-use user interface
  • Wallet only supports bitcoin.
  • It is only available for Android.

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