Tokenly pocket is one of a digital wallet which is only available for Android device only and it has many different operating system. It is also available on the webpage through Google chrome. This wallet doesn't have a good platform for users and everything is un available
It would be very ideal to mention the old features but alot of researchers has done that already right now I wanna mention some negative aspect so that users would knows what's happening down there
This wallet was updated in the year 2016 and up till now its still working with standard features another challenge they have is that they don't have personal platform and this have brought tough tines to them
Another challenge is that because of the low support they have for token. It is just recognize as a limited wallet though it is recognize by alot of official providers
So therefore in conclusion this wallet is not the best wallet for now there are many others than this wallet
Token pocket is one of a digital wallet that is only available for Android devices only. This platform has so many different operating system. This platform is also available on the web. The website doesn't offer much for its users and right now the webpage seems to be unavailable at the moment.
There are some negative aspect of this webpage though the webpage has positive aspect.
The wallet was updated about 6years ago which is 2016. And till date its still working with a standard features. They also have low support for tokens and we jus see it as a limited wallet