The Trust wallet is a software or virtual wallet, which, like others on the market, was created in order that users can send and receive cryptocurrencies, through decentralized applications with easy and fast access through the blockchain network. Its operation is based on the use of a downloadable application for portable devices, which is used to send, receive and save tokens of the Ethereum cryptocurrency. The internal architecture of the encryption of this virtual wallet was designed with open source and allows its fast accessibility and easy use. In addition, this wallet makes it possible for its users to save their private keys on their laptops and guarantees a backup in case of restoration. Another important achievement of Trust Wallet is that thanks to its association with Kyber Network and the web browser3 it can interconnect with other decentralized applications.
A Trust Wallet allows the user to control their finances, make investments and payments, as well as using DApps in an easy, fast, comfortable and secure way, with just the use of their mobile device. That is why this software is known to be an all-in-one application.
Its importance lies in the fact that users always have access to their transactions at their disposal; a fact of significant importance in a world as changing as the one we know today.