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digibyte logo

Digibyte transaction speed is excellent, digibyte is the oldest cryptocurrency so we can trust and trade digibyte without any stress, digibyte still have great userbase but needs to do the best marketing, the digibyte transaction is secure compared to other cryptocurrenciesSee full review

zilliqa logo

Overall zilliqa is the best project and is the future of blockchain also Zilliqa is the first platform which uses sharding technology. Zilliqa has a great community and is listed on many major exchanges. but as the lack of marketing, many people do not know the project of Zilliqa.See full review

bitcoin diamond logo

Bitcoin Diamond is best-decentralized p2p cryptocurrency and blockchain. Bitcoin diamond is listed in the top 50 categories by market capitalization. also, the speed of transaction and fees is better than Bitcoin blockchain.See full review

icon logo

Icon is the best and biggest blockchain which solves the major problems of the blockchain, like scalability issues which always causes on ethereum blockchain. But the team of Icon doesn't perform marketing about their project.Otherwise project is too good.See full review

aeternity logo

Aeternity is one of the best open source, Decentralized, and public blockchain. also, Aeternity is trying to solve the major blockchain problem which is scalability issues. As a cryptocurrency, it is best decentralized cryptocurrency which ranks on 39th position in crypto market.See full review

huobi global logo

Huobi is the best crypto exchange as it has a great reputation in the market of Huobi exchange. Withdrawal process is fast and registration is also very fast as compared to other cryptocurrency exchange.See full review

Rona kaushikwa photo

Rona kaushikwak.

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Joined in September 18, 2018