This blockchain game is an interesting game of battle, with very attractive images. I love the way the platform is designed. The game is giving reward of digital asset- ERC 721 token-while playing it.
The token won can be converted to real money or use it to buy weapon or equipment needed.
It has a referral programmed that you can earn from if your link is used to access the platform. You should note that you must not run out of the unit because this will mean end of the road. Unit can be bought or earn.
I love the game because you are in control of it, you earn rating and unit through winning and conquering another territory with the effort you put in.
This multi player game has thousand of players around the world.
In my opinion the game is one of the blockchain game that i can recommend anytime. The team behind the game keeps adding new feature to make it more appealing for the users. I personally find the game addictive, because while playing you will always want to win to earn and take a lot of effort to do so.