Pizza Heroes is another blockchain game receiving the support of the Tron network to be effective. However, it is still in development, and it was registered to be released this year. Due to certain management and development plans, it is still in process, and users do not really know how much time it will remain that way. The game will consist of a type of Dapps with marvellous details. The inner token of this game will be lead by the EVO one which had already permitted to establish the creation of descentralized networks down there.
The support of that token and the effectiveness of DApps like this one have permitted end users to enter a new comfortable ecosystem where they can even become enthusiasts developers, athough there is not so much information about the game. It means the already released content just covers web design and the respective support for Dapps but there is not any content about the steps of the game or its purpose.
The only thing that it's known is that the game is a kind of strategic game and will be a multiplayer one where users can compete in a great arena. Earnings will define the stages of the game while players keep advancing on it. It is expected to work with great speed since it is running in the Tron Blockchain, so earnings will also be part of it.
The rest of the information about this game is still unknown. However, I consider that Pizza Heroes will be a great opportunity because it has had great advertisements in the platform, and it is represented by a good blockchain development. If it is going to be efficient, or reliable, it will depend on the total release. Until now, users must keep waiting for it.