First of all, I have to say that my story of meeting this card is not the only good one. I did some research to have the card. However, as a result of my research, I came across many fraudsters who claimed to sell this card. Now I want to tell you all of their experiences about this card.
This card, which once offered a good service but is now closed to use, did not have many good features. No prepayment to have the card in any way. I think ATM transaction fees are a bit high, and the design of the card was presented as very colorful and light.
In addition, one of the other aspects that negatively affect me is that the daily withdrawals and deposits on the card are limited, I think this will disturb big investors. Of course, you are a small investor like me.
note please do not deceive yourself by many internet fraudsters on the internet some people say that this card is not closed, they can give you this card do not mind this situation the card is completely closed to use