Sspending your crypto directly from your wallet with necessary converting it on exchange to fiat has been the goal of every crypto marketer. Coinsbank wallet provides an easy way to cashout easily with its Debi card. The card is easy to use as you can spend your cryoto at any pos or ATM jusr like any other card. The card displays balances in EUR.
The downside is very much, as the card is very expensive to manage and get. Its issuance fee is one of the highest I have seen, about 98$ and it has a monthly fee of about 0.9$. It is quite expensive to manage. They also tends to deduct 1.9% of your purchase. Admits all its good sides, it has still have a functional mobile app with a very good UI to help you manage your transactions
I would not recommend it to a beginner, it is very expensive, also the company's website has been down, and claims online that it is out of service.