binance know as the world mosta biggest exchaknownnge was created in 2017, this exchange is known to handle more than 740 cryptocurrencies in the world And the exchange is located in cayman islands, binance has the biggest trading volume which has classified it as the most valuable Exchange in the world today, the binance Exchange was created by changpemg zhao. binance is also known to have a good software that provides there user's with a good experience in trading there desired currency. binance has kept a standard and has created more revenue from the developers and the people trading in the platform. binance was also designed to improve the blockchain technology and so increase the minds of people trading cryptocurrencies. binance has a lot of advantages. you can use the application on your mobile device, on either your IOS or android phone. you can also make use of it on your laptop for comfortable trading. binance has a good social network platform that every user can join and ask your admin question about any transaction that went wrong. the community of binance is increasing every year because of their good environment of trading. binance is open for any kind of investor to trade on the platform. it gives the users good transaction fees I also have a Fiat way of trading there cryptocurrency. you can also sell your cryptocurrency using P2P. binance has been successful ever since it was created it has been the best trading platform for everybody in the world I will advise you to make this as your number one exchange.