Bitbay is a Polish-based exchange which was launched in 2014, it is used to trade and exchange various cryptocurrencies and assets like Ethereum and Tron, which are my major coins of interested. Trading on Bitbay was quite an experience, I signed up on this exchange several months ago. Registration is a free process, I had to deposit next in order to purchase my desired cryptocurrency. Generally, on Bitbay fees are affordable and cheap. It offers its services in various major languages like English, Chinese and its native language, Polish. This alone has made it somewhat an international trade. It supports major fiat currencies and tokens like USD, EUR and Zloty. This is a uniqye platform that rewards its users for inviting thier friends, by giving them a commission of up to 70%, but I invited four friends and I havent received my commission! Bitpay secures its exchange with the use of two-factor authentic. If you misplaced your account ( as a result of forgetting your password), you can always click "Forgot password" on the login page and a link will be sent to you to cha ge your password. Unfortunately, Bitbay doesn't allow for staking and requires KYC. The help center doesnt really serve its purposely as it's not very comprehensive and concise. It has its own in built wallet for storing cryptocurrencies. It has a mobile pro app which seems to be suitable for only expert trades.