Today I will tell you about the Bitexen exchange. Bitexen is a Turkish company, its first priority is to enable Turkish users to use it.
Bitexen is a cryptocurrency exchange where you can trade and transfer all kinds of cryptocurrencies.
Bitexen stock exchange has its own mobile application, which can be downloaded on Android and IOS, you can buy and sell any crypto currency as you wish and send it to any wallet address you want instantly.
Bitexen exchange has a crypto currency called EXEN, which I believe will increase in value over time, which is currently worth 12 TRY.
For me, the most important feature of Bitexen was the fast buy and sell feature on its site, thanks to this feature, you can instantly sell or buy any crypto currency without waiting.
Bitexen is mainly made for Turkish users so it is not very popular around the world, but I think it will become popular around the world over time.
Finally, let me talk about the tournaments held by the Bitexen stock exchange. Tournaments are held regularly and prizes are distributed to users, if you want, you can also participate in tournaments and get a chance to win.