Developed in 2018, Bitget is a traditional centralized exchange that has the functionality of copy trading, a function that benefits traders with little experience in the market, in addition, operators also have the option to trade with the models added by the exchange, either futures and spot trading.
With a considerable user entry rate to the platform, and this due to the copy trading function, which is one of the most popular systems for traders, it has a list of traders with the highest profit margin, in order to be able to choose between them and activate the copy trading operation, where users can also have a practice account to trade in futures, which is where the copy trading system is established.
One of the negative aspects with less importance of the exchange is the low number of listed currencies, although most of the platforms with this trading system have a low number of currencies, although a greater supply of currencies to trade in both futures and Spot can give more user input to the Bitget platform.