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Review on Bithumb by Gerald Benard

Revainrating 3 out of 5

My review on bithump.

Bithump is one of the largely dominated exchange platform in the whole of South Korea as it has virtually all the features that is needed to trade any currency pairs of the users choice. It offered exchange of stocks within the Korean community and allowed for instant deposit and withdrawal as well but today it is no longer active like it used to be. This platform has been hit by hackers as it longer retain the qualities that it once was known for. In addition, after the attack it was discovered that it was an insider Job that is, it is an attack that was negotiated within members of the bithump platform. They lost started when it noticed unknown withdrawal from it funds unto an unknown group and continuously more was taken out.

In addition, it lost more than 3 million EOS and more than 20 million worth of XRP to this unknown group of hackers. The security key to this platform can no longer be recovered by the bithump and thus, this platform is not secured for any reason.

Updated 4 years ago
Rating has not been changed
There are many exchange platform that provides and allows for exchange of stocks and definitely bithump is one of them but owing to the fact that it has lost certain security kits which definitely advance the trend to which stocks can be exchanged. This initiative is certainly one that needs to advance security private and public keys which is required to complete and make transactions go smooth and faster as well. Without an end agent receiving a sent assets through an address their is no way it can be called a safe initiative.

Updated 4 years ago
Rating has not been changed

Having speculated features in the past doesn't stop this project from being regarded as one with a low content to drive exchange into a more better way than it use to be and however,the japanese populace are not quite recognizing the exchange as it should be due to the aforesaid features. However,in hope of a better future for this exchange. It has in the past become one of the most outstanding global exchange of more crypto pairs than have ever been seen on any digital platform. Standing as a global phenomenal for exchange Markets,it delivered an all time exclusive offer to both individuals and Companies regardless of it position.

  • None for now.
  • It is inactive.
  • Lost access to encryption key.

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