Bitunions is a Canadian based cryptocurrency exchange project that was published in 2017 And has been used by trader's to trade with this platform and it supported fast withdrawal, payments, buying and selling of cryptocurrency. Shortly before it was introduced A malware was detected in the system that brought down almost everything associating with the development of the project. The exchange has become one of the most suphisticated exchange in the world. The website was unavailable for a period of time and the developers didn't not develope any software that will fight any form of error
For now this platform cannot be recommended to any one to practice any form of trading. The page has already been shut down, so using this project will only give a user the chance to be open to a bad application that doesn't work properly. The exchange was actually been downloaded by user's but if you check the recent update on the platform, you will notice it has no updated version of the project. Everything about it is old and it no longer fast and durable as it use to be in the past
The main purpose of revain is to write on companies that are good or bad to enlighten people around the world about a giving project which can either help promote their financial state or has a very high risk to their finance. Bitunions, cannot be recommended to is by any one to use as it has appeared to be a very bad project for users. The main aims of this project was not met, automatically the exchange is abandoned and it out of service