CTCswap ews said to be an exchange and also responsible for swapping cryptocurrency at a user exchange rate and promote safe transactions. This are all lies it just a small story brought up to make people participate in their activities and letter go away with their funds. This project has really brought Manny disorder to user's and cannot be rated as a good platform, the name and logo is so nice and someone can easily fall in their trap's
The information actually possessed by the platform those not even sound very true, as it disabilities are much than it's advantage. The only thing we choose to do is to inform people about this project as it only stand to steal people's money, it a scam project and belongs to a set of developers going through a fraudulent activity to steal from people
This project is harmful to users, and should not be tempared with. You can make more research on this project, check the website and other information and you can't find a well structured information about the project. My advice is to close this project totally and let user's have free mindset when accessing cryptocurrency project. This is a money eater platform, stay