DragonEx is a Singapore's based exchange that provides one of the best exchange rates for the singapores. However, it offers a security that is often on maintenance not until it was hacked by a bunch of hackers who are still yet to be described. The DragonEx is no longer under the control of the company because every deposit that is made into the platform cannot be removed anyways and this is a clear picture that the platform is not under the influence of a registered body.
This is also a clear picture and an evidence to show that this exchange platform is no longer under the control of the company. I also think that one of the reasons that lead to the platform losing it security is due to the fact that it barely enabled a string security such as two factor authentication which is a top blockchain technology that secures the information of every user. In addition, DragonEx is worth about $7 million of cryptocurrency before it was hacked by the northern Korean hacking group and as a result it lost data's of users although I think it is yet to refund it users.