It was built a long time ago in Malaysia, but trade has not been exchanged for some time. I do not recommend shopping here to protect customers. This rating depends on the information we collect about the website, such as the people of the site, if SSL authentication is used and verified on various sites.
The Exchangea round is around planned and looks great for a ton of gear and the quality of the exchange, but in the last few months I see that there is no cost or market data on coinmarketcap. In fact, in one trade, he offered fast-paced tasks by working around 100,000 seconds per second, promoting a constant exchange experience. Honestly, it is easier to use an interface that makes it easier to use a trade.
We summarize usage, security and customer support. It is likely to be the cause of online digital exchange and trading. I would not recommend anyone to put a source for this phase as it is safe.