Huobi Global is a long time existing exchange that has been around for around 7 years now. It's long lasting impression is enough to give traders the go ahead to store their fund's on the exchange
The Exchange, Huobi Global supports over 200 cryptocurrency on its Exchange along with a plethora of exchange pairs
The welcome bonus that Huobi Global offers is enticing enough to lure anyone to it's exchange which is a good thing for advertising as the exchange is ranked among the top exchanges in the world
For it's users also, Huobi Global doesn't make Know Your Customer Verification necessary as long as there is a limit to the withdrawal per
One very great aspect of this exchange for me was in the withdrawal fees which were like the lowest I have seen of an exchange. The User Interface for the Mobile apps is quite intuitive and easy to get along with though I never got my head around the website itself
The exchange offers smooth sailing even for trading by newbies along with it's candlesticks for analysis by both Beginners and Professionals
The overall goodness of the exchange actually do overshadowed it's demerits but the fees collected for every trade even from it's liquidity providers; the market makers should be reviewed