huobi is best cryptocurrency exchange for beginners, the okex exchange…
huobi is best cryptocurrency exchange for beginners, the okex exchange provides high liquidity for trading and huobi also support fiat of some countries such as China, us and many more, support is also good
Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Huobi exchange is expanding its services into many countries. recently, huobi announces that they expanding huobi into turkey country. Also, huobi working on its progressive way.
Huobi is the loyal cryptocurrency exchange provides easy registration multi token support and great features such as it always gives fast withdrawal, trustful Singapore based exchange, but huobi main office located in chain huobi are planning to provide service worldwide and support is also giving fast reply only in 1-2 days
but huobi have only a few cons such as huobi takes so many fees for trading and wire transfer of huobi takes 1 % fees withdrawal of huobi is fast but withdrawal fees of huboi are not good