Exchange platform aimed at the public of Indonesia easy to use since it has a simple negotiation interface, for new users it has a fast trading platform, really effective for when the first cases of purchase or sale of cryptocurrencies are taking place, service customer service available 24 hours. According to the official information has more than one million registered users, taking into account the market to which it is directed is possible.
Compatible with fiat money for deposit and withdrawals, but only in Indonesian rupiah, this can also be a disadvantage since they only admit this asset in fiat currency. Being directed to the Indonesian market has limitations for users from other territories such as being able to make withdrawals in fiat with other currencies.
In general, if you are from Indonesia, or maybe you are looking for an exchange with which you can begin to familiarize yourself with digital assets, Indodax is an excellent recommendation, provides everything you need, security in transactions and authentication with different layers, asset liquidity. digital and fiat currency in this case rupee, and finally a trading platform adaptable to PC or mobile, and better yet a simple version for those who only seek to buy crypts as investment personal savings.