Indodax is an alternative encryption platform that allows you to use encrypted assets instead of encrypted currencies. Indodax was launched in 2014 and has been the oldest virtual alternative platform since 2014. Thanks to Oscar Darmavan, it became a platform in Indonesia. , Tokens can be exchanged for legal tender, in this case Indonesian rupiah. It is a centralized trading platform that can help more than 250 virtual assets such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Light Coin, etc. It helps to buy and sell margin. The deposit or withdrawal method is digital or possibly cryptocurrency! An interesting feature of indodax is that as a consumer, you can make money through the media by simply introducing larger users, which can earn you a 25% commission. This is a first-class hotel that provides environmentally friendly customer service. The user interface is top-notch because it has beautiful graphics.It has a downloadable application and a strong and sustainable sponsorship service. Indodax mainly focuses on continuous innovation in the cryptocurrency field.