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Review on LBank by MAC MAC

Revainrating 5 out of 5

LBank is must-have account for every crypto hodler.

I am LBank user since 2 months. Few days agi I noticed that volume of my coins is bigger than it was before. I just realized I am being paid dividents for some coins. I have accounts in other exchanges too and the same coins volume at other exchanges don't raise, unless you put them into investment plan. I am overwhelmed by generosity of LBank.
As for speed of withdrawal - I use for withdrawal EOS and it goes quickly.
I had only one problem that demanded use of support. Support reacted quickly.
Naturally LBank uses Bots for certain coins, especially new coins but most exchanges uses them so I do not mind.
The only thing I am worried is that LBank says at withdrawal that if it observes unnatural behaviour during withdrawal LBank may contact customer by phone or email. For me it means if I make huge withdrawal, it can be blocked if LBank support says it is unnrmal activity.
For other things LBank is today great and I love it, not only because of huge dividents but also for variety of new coins that starts at LBank with low price.
LBank - use your effords not to scare customers about notice "unnormal activity", find other solution to protect account while not scaring people.


  • Huge dividents, emerging market coins starting at low prices, trust in security, quick withdrawal for EOS
  • No transparency about withdrawal (abnormal activity at account).

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