It was established In 2016, it's headquarters based in Hong Kong. Primarily, it serve Chinese and Asian market. It accepts through out the world and offers different services in both English and Mandarin Chinese.
Although, it is not a licensed exchange, it offer competent and trustworthy services.
It is a crypto currency exchange, that based on crypto to crypto trading pair and it does not support fiat currency. It supports and features more than crypto currencies and is traded on 6 different crypto market.
To trade with Lbank is very easy. Compare with other famous crypto currency exchange. LBank trading cost is very low. There is flat rate for both maker and taker which is very affordable, is 0.10 per trade while other exchange rates is 0.20% or 25%. This exchange platform is okay for all short of people either rich or not.
Their security level is good, it has been in existence since 2016 approximately 4 years ago, it has not record any hack or loss funds. It uses the latest security features like SSL encrypted servers, it also have two factors authentication of logins and transactions.
It treated all its users equally, the same services is available for all users. Users does not need to submit any identity information. While transacting, the user identity will not be reveal or known by another person.