Nominex is not a popular exchange, but it is a good option for amateurs who want to trade valid currencies. Registration in nominex is very easy and can be done only by writing the email address and password. It also does not require KYC and has made nominex the most immediate way to exchange cryptos.
fees are very fair and for people who have a low level account (Level 0) is 0.1%, which is equal to other popular exchanges.
Examining the Markets section, it seems that this exchange does not intend to allow the listing of any invalid cryptocurrency and has only listed those that have a good reputation.
After registering and logging in to your account, there is a Demo section where you can experience trading without any deposit, and this is another good reason why Nominex is a good option for amateurs. Of course, this exchange can be good for professionals, but in my experience, these people or their trades are done on altcoins, which has less number of nominex exchange altcoins than other famous exchanges, so most professionals probably can not choose it.
Also, many traders tend to futures contracts, which nominex does not support.
The nominex user interface is very easy and all steps such as Deposite, Withdrawal and trade can be understood without any training.