Okex is the best cryptocurrency exchange, okex has trying to beat binanceβ¦
Okex is the best cryptocurrency exchange, okex has trying to beat binance exchange okex current rank is 2nd by trading volume, on okex exchange only great projects are listed, support is also good
Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Okex launched PiggyBank, PiggyBank is a value-added product that allows you to deposit and withdraw your digital assets anytime. You may transfer your spare tokens into OK PiggyBank to enjoy profit every day.
Okex is the best cryptocurrency with more than 400+ cryptocurrencies listed, Okex feels reliable exchange, okex provides reliable withdrawal service, okex have more than 1 billion$ plus trading volume, Okex is the fastest growing exchange
Okex supports fiat only china another country fiat is not supported, we all know China always has regulatory issues, and okex also have kyc issues