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Do you want to earn more CAKE by staking your tokens? Then PancakeSwap is worth a try. The more you stake your tokens on this platform, the more you earn more.
PancakeSwap exchange is a decentralized exchange platform, that was launched on September, 2020. It is still new in the exchange market. As such, alot is expected on this exchange.
Like most decentralized exchange, PancakeSwap has no central authority governing it. It was built from the binance smart chain.
PancakeSwap is the best decentralized exchange that i have seen so far. It has its own token called the CAKE tokens. It allows the user to gain more tokens by simply staking its CAKE tokens in the syrup pool.
PancakeSwap also uses BEP20 and BSC tokens. Fiat currency are not required on this platform.
Since this exchange is still new, alot of development can still be done on this platform, so that it can be a top decentralized exchange in the world in the nearest future.