0X more than being a protocol, fictionally writing, it has turned into solid rock to the function of bridge and channel between the Ethereum blockchain and the technology supporting the transaction of every single token from it. This open-source protocol is also a special design to offer peer-to-peer support in all the process while the financial road grows stronger. The best fact overall is that it works for more services than anyone can think about. There dozens of markets that already enjoy the servicial help from this protocol and the company itself. I think they are a committed project with the cooperatives of digital partners in the marketplace.
To be a decentralized finances project, it has raised with a more than optimised program. It has great numbers established on their platform that tells a real story. As many users already know, this a blockchain with a high green mark. Despite all volatility, it goes with its protocol to defend finances and technology for all. Nowadays, it is a project that has brought a welcome to many other projects. Even some of them were born directly from this open protocol. It is good to think of them as part of substantial outcomes.
More than even this blockchain project and the company providing all contents from it believe that public blockchains are the essential step in all the crypto-world. I also think they are because they are totally centred to improve and provide decentralized finances. This is something that is already happening with many networks. It is known that always exist certain dependency, but in general, it is looking to free everything for everyone. I can say 0x is even insurance of good values for trading with good opportunities.
However, there has been always complaints due to the existing limitations among networks. For this project being so free in supporting the Ethereum network, it must just offer services to any ERC-20 companion. There are not open stages for other types of network. It is for this reason that although being global does not work properly because of the necessity of supporting more projects.
Having that in mind I can conclude that this company still needs certain improvements. With so many changes rounding the crypto-world, it is no so difficult to think it could also be affected and corrected. Today many important associations are looking for supporting those projects that need updates made by customers themselves. So finally 0X is a good company with a clear idea for the future. It will become more objective in all kind of support for different networks.