0x (ZRX)
with a current value of $ 0.551198 USD...
0x is reliable Exchange
Created in the distributed Ethereum network without any centralized error point and no down time; each exchange is concretely atomically and without risks for the counted
-liquidity shared:
By sharing a standard API, transmitters can easily accumulate liquidity funds, which creates network effects around the liquidity that is formed as more transmitters are connected.
-Open Source:
0x is open source, its use is free. Negotiate directly with a known counterpart without cost or pay a transmitter with some to access your liquidity fund.
located in the top 40 of the most important cryptocurrencies with a market capitalization of $ 297,391,481 USD and a volume of $ 10,859,074 USD, listed in the exchanges Okex, Binance, Huobi and many more
0x has earned the trust of many people worldwide, earning the place number 31 in coinmarketcap
Data for September 2018