1World (1WO): is a task that execute the synchronization and combination of two administrations in one, having the option to further develop its item plan and publicizing conditions, it is a fascinating undertaking as it proposes an environment connected straightforwardly with the blockchain administrations organization, it is a venture that permits to offer altering instruments for content designers and advanced advertisers, The money utilized by the stage is ideal for internet business as it has a few conventions that help its worth and are executed in an entirely steady manner. It is a decentralized undertaking that utilizes blockchain creation as a methods for correspondence and guarantees the business conveyance of all its substance, it is a venture that has included a medium development inside the market leaving a significant monetary ideal, it has calculations that permit scholars to foster their abilities with the best conceivable solace, production of publicizing content with cutting edge instruments and with enormous workers that are fit for preparing practically any sort of content, local area of perusers this local area is all around created and has various kinds of clients where they impart and share encounters, perhaps the main focuses that this task has is the chance of connecting exchange with the local area in a quick and secure manner permitting free cooperation and continually introducing the most reasonable arrangements inside its market, its help is expansive ideal to serve a wide range of clients.