It is a pretty project and competitor in the dApp ecosystem, but that hasn’t stopped it from gaining good support from the hazard capital arena. It’s also getting good partnerships to support it as development moves forward. This shows that its unique governance model and the use of side chains to control accordance usage on the block chain are being accepted a compatible for a blockchain operating system.
The project is behind other more developed similar projects, but that doesn’t mean that its solution could end up being the best choice for the development of a side chain based operating system. Plus, Aelf could see great benefits from the flexibility and scalability of its network.
Team is focused on two main innovations in their search to solve the problems with existing blockchain technology. The first is the creation and use of side chains, and the second is the creation of a new and unique governance system.
Aelf plans on segregating smart contracts and other resources by using side chains, which will also help the scalability issue. Additionally, they will be using a Delegated Proof of Stake consensus method to give more flexible governance.