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Review on Aeternity by Guran Jain

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Aeternity is the decentralized blockchain service which is built on the…

Aeternity is the decentralized blockchain service which is built on the scalable blockchain. The main aims of Aeternity project are to fix the main blockchain issue scalability. Also, Aeternity uses hybrid algorithms which are Proof of Work and Proof of Stake. But the team of aeternity does not do any marketing or publicity of Aeternity Project.


Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Aeternity mainnet blockchain is fully open source and runs on blockchain 3.0 version. Aeternity is as same as Ethereum because, aeternity is blockchain project for creating Smart contract platform.


  • Aeternity is the best-decentralized blockchain service which is built on a scalable blockchain technology where smart contracts are connected to real-world data through decentralized oracles. Aeternity works on the hybrid type of algorithms which are Proof of Stake and Proof of Work. Also, Aeternity uses predictions market for its various verification and voting purposes.
  • Aeternity project's team is not so active and currently, people fail to see innovation and the true value of Aeternity because of lack of communication. Also, the project is unknown to many people as the team of Aeternity does not do any marketing about the project.

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