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581 Review
286.75 Karma


Revainrating 2 out of 5

I have issues that I need to research and conclude.

In the beginning, I thought that this project, which started with a good progress, really had a bright future. However, I can say that after a while, even a very short time ago, my trust in this project has completely diminished since there has been no new development and it has lost a large user base. The aim of the project is to provide a platform where small companies can request tokens and receive suggestions. The main problem is that such platforms are competitive in the market. However, the feature I like is that there is a mobile compatible payment application created by this company and instant payments can be made thanks to this application.
Even though this token is still listed on several exchanges, when we looked at the volume of transactions, I saw very few transactions recently. In addition, I think that the token should be evaluated and it lost more value.
I am not sure if the project is working now, so at least I think it is not working properly. Because, on the one hand, the web site and some links were disabled, on the other hand, I was able to get answers to the questions I wrote to the team. I have to do a deep research on this subject.

  • it has a mobile compatible payment application.
  • It is traded on several exchanges.
  • low value.
  • the team continues to fail.
  • website 404 error screen appears.
  • competition is strong.