Bismuth (BIS): is a project that focuses on the use of its applications in a commercial way, allowing an improvement in the integration with the market and gaining access to the large amount of technological content, in general has a large library of content in which you can explore all types of projects, seeks to improve blockchain services through a process which links the use of blockchain solutions, It allows to offer a great number of intelligent solutions based on the processing that can be generated. Its protocols allow the optimization of the processes and improve arduously since it was developed based on an open code and achieve the improvement of the commercial applications and consider a greater innovation effect, One of its most attractive features is the development of self-sufficient application, which fulfills basic tasks, improve configurations and increase the financial process of its use, significantly improve its efficiency in the general market, is a project that had a somewhat slow development because its programmer took more time than expected, and therefore its position in the market cost him to win and maintain it, has a cloud service that allows a complete record of each business process and has a security protocol that is able to protect and encrypt all information to be executed in the market.