Blockstack (STX): is a project that create decentralized applications in order to put them on the market and generate foreign exchange, all thanks to the technology of Blockchain its development as applications has a little bit to do with the creation of intelligent contracts given this integration everything works in a cycle, the steps of creation are simple application creation, writing intelligent contracts, inheriting important features of other cryptom currencies, through a decentralized network with more than 500 computers that make up the entire chain of blocks that will run most of the market operations all in full autonomy, its security protocols are key to the proper functioning, everything the user does or generates is completely confidential, applying the open source JavaScript is possible many of these technologies, the system never store user data, everything is a self-management in a secret way the system gives property to users to create applications and generate many things thanks to them, creating applications with reliable protocols with public code self-executable that run on each block chain can control digital assets and allow interactions.