Bolivarcoin, as the name suggests, is a cryptocurrency based in Venezuela. Transaction fees for transactions with Bolivarcoin are very low. As we know, the Venezuelan economy is in a bad shape, although it is a sad situation. It is aimed to stimulate the economy with such decentralized money. In fact, the Velezuela government has allowed this project. It is aimed to reduce the effects of the economic crisis. In addition, it was desired to integrate with the world economy with crypto coins.
Bolivarcoin has its own wallet application. You can easily store your own cryptocurrency in a compatible way.
Because peer-to-peer transactions take place in Bolivarcoin, it is very fast. The project was criticized by many people when it first came out, but every day the project has improved and now has an average user base.
As a result; Bolivarcoin is a crypto money project that has emerged in Venezuela to adapt to foreign economies and to make people less affected by the impact of the economic crisis.