Bounty0x (BNTY): is a project that allows to count and develop a well-balanced trading system, a system that allows the delivery of rewards based on their performance and small tasks that are paid for being completed, it is a currency that is used as a method of reward its e-commerce system is closely linked to the personal wallets of users, Once the commercial transactions are agreed they are automatically deposited in each wallet, its ecosystem is friendly and its development is always focused on offering a different space where you can enjoy commercial independence, its currency is compatible in different exchange systems and it is used in different digital portals, its development lies in being an open source project that allows the use of protocols that manage very efficiently the market manages a configurable security level according to the type of operations and according to the market, it is a currency that has a rapid development in the market because it adapts to different platforms, and it is simple to acquire its services and attach them to a gaming system, payment or a website, it still has a lot to improve, it is not a complete project.