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1075 Review
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Review on Bounty0x by Robiul Islam

Revainrating 4 out of 5

A promising project as it offers support to different venture startups…

A promising project as it offers support to different venture startups globally through its blockchain based innovative ideas so as to have positive influence globally. Bounty0x may even seem like a freelance job board, but has the potential for fast transactions and the building of a solid economy with their tokens inside their own system. Because of this, it seems like Bounty0x can be a decent company to invest in.

Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
To increase integrity and trust for all users, Bounty0x fully integrated with Bloom KYC. Hunters can now verify their ID on Bloom and simply scan the QR code on their profile to reflect their KYC status on Bounty0x and partake in bounties that require KYC.

  • Bounty0x smart contract staking systems distinguishes it from other similar platforms. You will have to stake BountyOx tokens you can put up your bounty tasks on the platform. These tokens from the host are safe in smart contract and will only be provided upon copmletion of a bounty task. The third party authenticator or ‘Sheriff’ will ensure that the hunter receives the payment when the task is complete. The team behind the project is dedicated and keeps posting the updates which shows their seriousness and dedication towards this unique project.
  • I have not identified any obvious cons with the Bounty0x Coin.