CelCoin (CELC): is a project that focuses on the development of commercial applications to run on various electronic devices, seeking to promote the market and dynamism in the commercial process, considering a better service plan, raising the process and ensured a better market from different points of commercial interest, is a project that was put on the market waiting for better results considering various scenarios worldwide, It is important to highlight that this type of project helps to improve the blockchain services network and it is expected to guarantee the independence of the commercial process and feeding the collective interest, one of its tools that should be considered at all times is the management of mobile devices, increasing the trade flow in different gaming gateways, high level of information processing supported by the use of blockchain and optimizing the process of trade entries, improving services and allowing a somewhat more modern system and working on turning mobile devices into efficient beings, it is a project that has had a medium growth and is expected to increase more with its investment, is a project based on an open code that studies great possibilities and counts with a process that argues the financing from different points of interest, guaranteeing the digitalization of money and its use, is a project that develops and executes a security system that allows to handle transactions at a secure and stable level.