DACC is an innovation-driven cryptocurrency platform to market cryptocurrencies in the best form. The special thing about this project is its security and credibility and allowing users to have complete autonomy in showing off their creations. In addition, it offers many rewards and services in the sale of cryptocurrencies around the world. The project also has its own currency, DAC token, which is known on the Ethereum platform. In the end I can tell that this region was famous in all over the world because it gave the developers sell their services personal by product all over the world, and their confidence warranty on all their transactions. It has also provided all its users with complete information about all its services and the infrastructure they contain where no one can hack them or steal users ' data. In my personal opinion, this project is one of the most well-known projects in all parts of the world because of the trust and hard work based on it. It will have a bright and desirable future for everyone. Advise everyone to visit the website and read more about it.